Public space, Downtown Cairo Dr. Bedour Braker Public space, Downtown Cairo Dr. Bedour Braker

Reclaiming Public Spaces

Article in OZ Journal

The modes of production of urban spaces today have shifted from being initiated by institutional and formal production entities and has been transferred into the hands of the community. This change is widely represented in pocket urban spaces that have developed in inner cities and under bridges, overpasses, and highways.

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Downtown Cairo Dr. Bedour Braker Downtown Cairo Dr. Bedour Braker

Hussien Al-Mimar Street

Conference- TU Delft, Netherlands

In her book, The Death and Life of Great American Cities, Jacobs identified four urban preconditions for creating streets as active public spaces: high densities of population and activities; mixtures of primary uses; pedestrian-friendly blocks and the retention of old buildings mixed in with new. A fifth element however, ought to be considered, “accessibility control”.

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Public Space, Downtown Cairo Dr. Bedour Braker Public Space, Downtown Cairo Dr. Bedour Braker

Cinema Radio in Downtown Cairo

Conference (not published)-London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research

One of the places that trigger the collective memory in Downtown Cairo is Cinema Radio. An emblematic building which became a reminiscence medium for three generations since the 1940s, and recently played a unique role in changing the path of the political scene in Egypt after the uprising in 2011.

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