
2013-NOW Joined Jan Braker Architekt in Hamburg- Germany

Research & Publications

2024 Colonial Echoes: Investigating the Lingering Effects of German Empire in Africa on Hamburg's Built Environment-IASTE (WPS)- Conference

2023 Who owns the street? The cases of Lange Reihe and Steindamm in Hamburg- UCL Press- Book chapter

2022 To build or not to rebuild, The case of Bornplatz Synagogue in Hamburg-IASTE (WPS)- Conference

2021 Mind the gap, why Muslim immigrants & LGBTQI groups not sharing the same public space in Hamburg-IASTE (WPS)- Conference

2021 Revamping German educational facilities into communal centres and the role of the architect- IASTE (WPS)- Conference

2020 Cooperative Housing as a substratum for societal integration- AHRA & University of Nottingham- Conference

2019 When participatory design becomes a democratic sphere of influence- Polytechnic University of Catalonia- Conference

2019 Socialist housing strategies in Easter Europe and the Middle East- Technical University Darmstadt- Conference

2019 Bunkers in Hamburg as symbols of a dark heritage- University of Nottingham- Conference

2019 An unprecedented lens for re-envisioning the past; the case of bunkers in Hamburg as symbols of a dark heritage- Conference, University of Birmingham, UK

2018 From 80,000 to only 8 persons, the dwindling Jewish heritage in Cairo- University of Birmingham- Conference

2018 Cinema Radio, from movie displays to politics interplay- Birkbeck University in London- Conference

2018 Influential Urban Pockets in Times of Social Injustice, The Case of Townhouse Complex in Downtown Cairo- University of Heidelberg- Conference

2018 Private initiatives vs. state interventions- Springer- Book chapter

2016 Women in Egypt, the myth of a safe public space- Technical University Delft- Conference, Book chapter

2016 Hussien al Mimar street, the tale pf a restricted street- Technical University Delft- Conference, Book chapter

2013 Reclaiming urban settings, a community based public space- OZ Magazine, Article

2012 Understanding Cairo, The logic of a city out of control- IJURR-book review


2006-11 Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture, Ph.D. -Cairo University

2001-06 Master of Sciences in Architecture, M.Sc. -Cairo University

1996-01 Bachelor of Sciences in Architecture, B.Sc. -Cairo University


2012-13 Lecturer at Modern Sciences & Arts University-MSA

2011-13 Lecturer at the American University in Cairo-AUC

2006-11 Teaching Assistant at The American University in Cairo-AUC

2001-11 Teaching Assistant at Modern Sciences & Arts University-MSA

Public Lectures

2023 Pecha Kucha talk at the book launch of 'Everyday Streets: Inclusive Approaches to Understanding and Designing Streets'-London Metropolitan University-UK

2023 Public Lecture with Archinet. Title: Educational facilities as a nucleus for revitalizing urban communities in Germany. (Virtual)

2019 Pecha Kucha talk with Streetspace Workshop- Queens University. Title: K77, A cultural squatting in Berlin

2018 Pecha Kucha talk with Streetspace Workshop- Queens University. Title: Two Passages, One Street: Successes and Failures in Downtown Cairo

2011 Recap lecture on the outcomes of a workshop in Portsaid-Egypt during the Journées du Patrimoine de Port-Saïd


2023-2026 Collaborating with TU Berlin & Habitat Unit in the research project: Towards Green(er) Egyptian Cities Through

2023 Participant in WS organized by Queens University- Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland- UK

2020- 2022 COVID pandemic- Halt

2019 Invited to give a Pecha Cucha and participate at the Street Space Workshop at Queens University, Belfast, UK

2018 Invited to give a Pecha Cucha and participate at the Street Space Workshop at Queens University, Belfast, UK

2017 Invited juror in collaboration with Thessaly University. Location: Lake Kerkini, Greece

2013 Co-organizer of a multinational documentation and design exchange. Location: Tuskany, Italy

2011 Organizer in collaboration with Alliance Francaise de Portsaid, Thessaly University, Portsaid University &MSA. Location: Portsaid, Egypt

2010 Co-organizer in collaboration with Studio Basel- ETH (de Meuron &Herzog). Location: Cairo/Basel

2009 Participant in WS organized by Union of Mediterranean Architects (UMAR). Location: Cairo, Egypt

2007-09 Workshops with Greenwich University. Location: Cairo/London



  • Leading Student Advising and Registration Processes for All Academic Levels: A Senior Role in Educational Guidance

  • Contributed to the Enhancement and Advancement of the Architectural Program at MSA University

  • Contributed to the Development of the Accreditation Process for the Collaborative Partnership between MSA University in Cairo and Greenwich University in London.