Speaker-Pecha Kucha

I've been invited to present a Pecha Kucha talk at the book launch of 'Everyday Streets: Inclusive Approaches to Understanding and Designing Streets' at the London Metropolitan University-UK

During this event, I will discuss my chapter, which delves into the study of two controversial streets in a neighborhood in Hamburg. Over the course of three years, I've closely examined these streets, witnessing how despite their proximity, they are worlds apart in terms of tradition and acceptance of one another.

If you're in London or know someone who might be interested, please spread the word and join us. The launch is on the 30th of November 2023.

Editors: Agustina Martire, Jane Clossick, Birgit Hausleitner

Publisher: UCL Press

The book is free to download on the UCL Press website.




Guest Lecturer