I see them every morning when they come to the café together. They are probably in their early fifties. They come in holding hands and smiling at everyone in the cafe. She sits down while he goes and orders her favourite coffee, they do the same thing every day. The café is always busy, with 80s music in the background while people come and go, but the two of them sit there and you can see that they see nothing but each other, their eyes do all the talking. Every day, after they finish their coffee and leave the café, I see them through the window kissing before they ride their bikes to work.
Yesterday I saw them again in the café, we know each other now! I smiled and told them you are my favourite couple, you know that! They both blushed like teenagers and he said I finally found her after being apart for 20 years. She then looked at me and said, "I guess what is meant to be yours will find its way to you, no matter how much others fight against that!